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  • Satellite-tracking data of 44 loggerhead sea turtles tracked from western Mediterranean between 2016-2018. Dataset includes tracking data of different life-stages: i) 17 one-year-aged post-hatchlings of loggerhead sea turtle came from nests laid on the Mediterranean Spanish coast; ii) 4 loggerhead nesting females collected from nesting events occurred on the Spanish Mediterranean coast; iii) 21 juvenile and 2 adult loggerhead sea turtles from fisheries bycatch. Our dataset consist in a CSV file-format which provides the turtle identity name or number, the date and coordinates of the location data, and the Argos location class associated. A metadata spreadsheet file is also provided with other relevant information. Our data contribute to the knowledge about the spatial use of the loggerhead sea turtle in the Mediterranean Sea and could be used in further analysis regarding habitat use and dispersal of this species in the Mediterranean basin. This submission is related to the data article: . Abalo-Morla, E.J. Belda, J. Tomás, J.L. Crespo-Picazo, A. Marco, O, Revuelta, 2022. Satellite-tracking dataset of loggerhead sea turtles from western Mediterranean. Data in Brief, In Press.